Há pouco tive uma conversa interessante com um amigo sobre energias, e se as energias se reconheciam umas às outras. É uma teoria interessante, à qual subscrevo totalmente.
Aristóteles falava em 'alma', o que para uma Agnóstica poderá ser entendida como 'energia'...É interessante esta teoria, de uma mesma 'energia' habitar dois – ou mesmo, mais do que dois corpos. Sendo assim, não há apenas uma alma gémea por pessoa, o que pressupõe que haja diversos tipos de almas gémeas, i.e. não apenas aquela ligada ao amor...E, se pensarmos bem, o facto de podermos estar apaixonados por duas pessoas ao mesmo tempo, poderá confirmar a existência de mais do que uma alma gémea de cariz amoroso – o que não deixa de representar um azar tremendo nas nossas vidas o depararmo-nos, na mesma altura, com as duas!!!
Este tema fez-me lembrar uma cena do filme BEFORE SUNRISE (Antes do Amanhecer), quando Ethan Hawke e Julie Delpy estão a viajar de autocarro, em Vienna. Lembro-me que só alguns anos depois, quando voltei a ver o filme, é que relamente entendi o que a personagem Jesse estava a dizer – basicamente o que foi dito anteriormente.
OK, se aceitarmos a ideia da atracção das energias, também teremos que aceitar a ideia de que algumas energias são mais poderosas do que outras e que, se não estivermos atentos/as, estas poderão sugar-nos toda a energia...Por isso ganha, nas discussões acesas, a energia mais forte – uma maneira de evitarmos isso, é evitarmos imitar a agressividade dessa outra energia. O manter a calma será talvez a melhor forma de combater e evitar o 'roubo' da nossa energia...Mas, em contrapartida, nesse 'roubo' haverá, certamente, um absorver das ideias e vontades da energia mais forte, o que, curiosamente, também a debilitará...
SOCORRO! Parece-me que de tanto pensar, o conceito das 'energias' já não está tão claro na minha mente!
«Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.» / «Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.» - Aristotle
A while ago I had a very interesting conversation with a friend of mine. It was about Energy and whether different energies would recognise one another. Aristotle used to talk about the 'soul' which, for an Agnostic, can be understood as 'e...nergy'. The idea of one 'energy' inhabiting two or even more than two bodies is fascinating and I fully subscribe to it. According to this theory, there is more than one soul mate per person, which means that there must be different kinds of soul mate, i.e. soul mates that aren't merely connected to love...On the other hand (and come to think of it), the fact that you can actually be in love with two people at the same time is proof that, in love, there can also be more than one soul mate; it is just sheer bad luck when we come across both soul mates at the same time!
This theme reminds me of a scene in the film BEFORE SUNRISE, when Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy are travelling around Viena by bus:
Jesse:Do you believe in reincarnation?
Celine: Yeah. Yeah, it's interesting.
Jesse: Yeah, right. Well, most people, you know, a lot of people talk about past lives and things like that, you know? And even if they don't believe it in some specific way, you know, people have some kind of notion of an eternal soul, right?
Celine: Yeah.
Jesse: OK, well this was my thought: 50,000 years ago, there are not even a million people on the planet. 10,000 years ago, there's, like, two million people on the planet. Now there's between five and six billion people on the planet, right? Now, if we all have our own, like, individual, unique soul, right, where do they all come from? You know, are modern souls only a fraction of the original souls? 'Cause if they are, that represents a 5,000 to 1 split of each soul in the last 50,000 years, which is, like, a blip in the Earth's time. You know, so at best we're like these tiny fractions of people, you know, walking... I mean, is that why we're so scattered? You know, is that why we're all so specialized?
Celine: I don't know. Wait a minute, I'm not sure... I don't...
Jesse: Yeah, hang on, hang on. It's a, it's a totally scattered thought. It... which is kind of why it makes sense.
OK, then, if you accept the idea that energies attract one other, then you also have to accept the idea that some energies are stronger than others...And if you're not careful, the stronger energy can suck out all your energy from your body.... In a heated discussion, the stronger energy is most likely to win. A way of preventing this from happening is by not imitating that aggressive energy: Staying calm weakens the stronger energy as it cannot feed from your own energy.
What do you think?
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