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A Journey through the Desert

( First posted in Portuguese,  in March 2016) For Julia , The Princess with the Green Slippers 'Julia! Bernardo!&...

Monday 13 December 2010

YES, this is a call for action, your action: 

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«In a former life I was an artist, the kind that paints...I know this because some time ago, I had the privilege of meeting a very avant-garde guru of the mind, a Praying Mantis, who, in exchange for a juicy caterpillar, helped me get a glimpse into the past, through an ultra-modern technique which she called past life regression(...).» - The Beauty in Pain (May 2010)

«Numa vida passada fui artista, daqueles que pintam...Sei isto porque há uns tempos atrás tive o privilégio de conhecer um guru avant-garde da mente, uma Louva-Deus,que, a troco de uma lagarta suculenta, me facilitou um vislumbre do passado, através de uma ultra-moderna técnica, chamada regressão a vidas passadas.(...)» - Beleza na Dor (Maio 2010)

- COPYRIGHT/Registado no IGAC

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